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1 avril 2008

Message to H. E. Paul BIYA President of the Republic Cameroon.

Jean_Blaise_GWETAllow me first of all, Your Excellency Mr. President of the Republic, to address you through this channel which, to me, is the only one which guarantees that my message will reach you in its pure form, and as soon as possible.

It is now several months, Your Excellency, Mr. President of the Republic, since I analyzed the alarming political and economic situation of our country Cameroon, in the search for solutions to contribute to your efforts to modernization our nation, to the efforts and sacrifices of Cameroonians and to maintain our country in peace as well as political and economic stability. I am interested in taking an active part in the continuation of your objectives, until the end of your mandate, which can be renewed if that is your wish, and that of the majority of Cameroonians; if not, to help to prepare a peaceful transition while safeguarding the achievements with the help of all  Cameroonians, in peace, safety and calm.

Your Excellency, Mr. President of the Republic, you devoted all your life, to serve Cameroun and its People, in peace and political stability. You have done what you deemed important and necessary for the good of the country. 

However much remains to be done. The population of Cameroon is growing, is more enlightened and demanding. In this era of globalisation, Cameroun must adapt, fasten its belt and benefit from “positive globalisation” and grow thanks to its multiform resources and riches.

Under your enlightened governance:

- Cameroon, is equipped with an education system which is the most powerful in the sub region, one that has given Cameroonians the ability to think, and by so doing forge their own opinions.

-  A new generation of Cameroonians has born. It asserts the right to invent schools of thought, ideals and living trends which are unique in any democratic, free and liberal country in this era of globalisation.

            - Great uniform officers have been trained, good diplomats, competent administrators, some of whom have stood out. You have a good administration equipped with very good administrative machinery but which is under exploited. You created a very good legislative framework but its structures are still to be set up and the laws applied.

Cameroon is a small island of intellectuals, and competences thanks to you, and we are all grateful to you.
Owing to the failure of the political parties of our country, to mobilize and rally all Cameroonians to work together to build the Cameroon of today and tomorrow, I have decided to contribute my modest share by inviting the Cameroonian youth and all the other brothers and sisters in the Country and the Diaspora who so wish, to join me within the framework of a new political party which will be called MPCC “Patriotic Movement for Change in Cameroon”.

The complete file of the MPCC will also be deposited at the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralisation for registration.

Your Excellency, Mr. President of the Republic, I’ve always supported your actions. In your capacity as “father of the Cameroonian nation” one the one hand and as “father of the Cameroon’s democracy” on the other that I in all humility extend my hand to you for a noble, democratic and sovereign cause.

It is to this end that I come to solicit your blessing, your wisdom, your experience, and your financial and total support to set up this great free and democratic movement, that will have as priority, to gather all the sons and daughters who carry in their hearts and soul love, peace, tolerance, forgiveness, concern for the future and sustainable development of our country.

I decided to create this movement on the initiative and at the request of the young people of Cameroon who wish to prepare and take control of their destiny.
Our movement is open to every Cameroonian from north to south, east to west. It is open to all Mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, all our children, all members of the other political parties, who wish to take part in the movement to change Cameroon whether they come from the RDPC, the SDF, the UNDP, UPC, or the other political parties.

The Patriotic Movement for Change in Cameroon is open to all patriots, any association, NGO, the civil society any member of the bar, notaries, civil servants, professors, students and pupils, peasants, workers, the unemployed and all who want Cameroon to be One, indivisible, sovereign, economically and politically empowered with progress and development at the service of all and respected by its international partners.

The MPCC will have as an immediate priority to start an enlightened and peaceful political debate with respect of the values of each citizen.

The MPCC will have as an immediate priority, to work and take part in the effort to alleviate the tensions which exist in our country.

The MPCC will have as an immediate priority to give the opportunity to the young people to take part in preparing their future, to take part in preparing  the peaceful transition while safeguarding and pursuing the projects which you began, in a peaceful and political and economic stable manner that will involve all  Cameroons regardless of their provenance.

The MPCC which is open to all Cameroonians will have as an immediate priority, to incarnate hope in the youth who are in search of a reference and who often fall prey to the negative forces who dream of “balkanizing” our country.

The MPCC open to all Cameroonians, will have as an immediate priority to renew the desire of each Cameroonian to do politics together in a spirit of tolerance as well as the respect of the values of each other rather than witch hunting.

Allow me, Your Excellency, Mr. President of the Republic, to finish this letter with a call to all Cameroonians, no matter where they are in the world, in every country, province, city, village and district, to get together and create delegations of MPCC. We will send mandates to them so they can designate their members, their delegates and the leaders who will be the next candidates for the MPCC in the local, legislative, and senatorial elections.

Given the diverse resources and riches that God blessed our Country Cameroon with, I dream of a “paradise” where all the children of Cameroon would have a place, where social justice and the respect of each other would be the binding force of the nation.

It is possible to carry out this dream together. Yes, I believe it deeply, and we will get there. I request each Cameroonian where ever they are in the world, to join us in this movement. There must be a rupture with the old demons which so often destroyed any will and any political effort such as greed, scepticism, lack of respect and love for others and the nation.

I remain, Your Excellency, Mr. President of the Republic, fully at your disposal, the disposal of all Cameroonians and the nation which they represent.
Your Son who deeply loves Cameroon and its people.

Jean Blaise GWET

un soir, devant la télé, un enfant demande à son papa: "Papa, explique-moi ce qu'est la politique".<br /> Réponse du papa: "C'est très simple, mon fils. Je vais te donner un exemple. Prenons le cas de notre famille:<br /> C'est moi le papa qui rapporte de l'argent; je suis le CAPITALISTE.<br /> · Ta maman gère cet argent; elle est donc le GOUVERNEMENT..<br /> · Ton grand-père qui vit avec nous dans la maison, lui, vérifie si tout se passe bien; il est donc le PARLEMENT.<br /> · La jeune fille que tu vois travailler dans la maison est notre bonne; elle, constitue la CLASSE OUVRIERE.<br /> · Tous, nous n'avons qu'un seul but: garantir ton bien-être; tu es donc le PEUPLE.<br /> · Ton petit frère encore qui dort tranquillement dans le berceau, nous dirons qu'il est l'avenir."<br /> L'enfant a très bien écouté!<br /> La nuit tombe, chacun s'en va au lit. L'enfant dans le sommeil, entend son petit frère pleurer dans le berceau. Il décide de se lever, et d'aller voir. En fait, le petit frère a uriné dans son linge!<br /> <br /> Que faire? Se demande-t-il.<br /> Il va dans la chambre de ses parents, et s'aperçoit que la maman est seule au lit, et dort profondément.<br /> Très inquiet, et ne voulant pas la réveiller, l'enfant va dans la chambre de la bonne, et curieusement, il trouve son papa en plein repos du guerrier, dans le lit de la jeune fille.<br /> Bouleversé, l'enfant va voir le grand-père dans sa chambre, lequel se contente aisément de regarder par la fenêtre, la scène de la jeune fille et le papa. <br /> Ayant eu peur et déçu en même temps, l'enfant va se recoucher et s'endort, laissant le petit frère pleurer...<br /> Le lendemain, le papa demande fièrement à l'enfant: "Alors mon fils, as-tu réfléchi et compris ce qu'est la politique?"<br /> L'enfant répond:<br /> "Oui papa, ta définition était trop claire: le Capitalisme profite de la Classe ouvrière, pendant que le Gouvernement dort, et le Parlement regarde sans rien dire. On s'en fout de ce que pense le Peuple, et l'Avenir est dans la merde."
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