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Prisma Canal International
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15 mai 2008

Chief Mila Assoute lance un Appel aux Camerounais

Chief_Milla_AssouteNé en 1957 à Nkongsamba, chef supérieur des Mbo, Mila Assouté est député à l'Assemblée nationale de 1983 à 1988. Il quitte cette fonction. Pourtant, il est nommé en 1996 au comité central du parti, entrant dans le club fermé des 100 membres désignés, les 150 autres étant élus. Il devient alors «consultant externe, chargé de certaines affaires spéciales à la présidence et au ministère de la Défense: détournements de fonds, dossier de Cameroon Airlines, enquêtes sur certaines personnalités influentes du régime…».Très actif au sein de la diaspora depuis quelques années,il est l'auteur d'un livre blanc pour la modernisation du RDPC, paru en janvier 2003, qui relève les insuffisances de la politique gouvernementale. En ce jour, Chief Mila Assoute lance un Appel aux Camerounais.

Cliquer ici pour  la vidéo : Merci

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Il fallait bien que quelqu'un comme vous finnisse par apparaitre. <br /> le cameroun a besoin de beaucoup de messi<br /> Vous en êtes un.<br /> Nous voulons faire avec vous.<br /> Pouvons nous avoir votre adresse E.mail?<br /> Merci d'avance
Cher grand frère, mes félicitations pour votre souhait de "mettre un terme définitif à ce règne corrompu et despotique". Mais ce que je trouve dommage, c'est que vous parliez tout de suite de résistance, à qui? à quoi? Comme si nous étions en état de guerre, je suppose que vous vous préparez au prochain suffrage de 2011. Le Cameroun est un pays démocratique, puisque vous avez été membre du RDPC, et donc quelque part vous vous accusez vous-même, en parlant de "règne corrompu et despotique".<br /> Pour moi, il ne s'agira plus de s'attaquer au régime en place, ce qui aura toujours pour effet de vous mettre en porte-à-faux avec une partie du peuple camerounais, le but contraire étant de rassembler.<br /> Il ne s'agira pas non plus, pour s'attirer la grâce des citoyens, de rappeler les drames et évènements survenus dans notre pays, ces évènements n'étant ni les premiers, ni les derniers qu'un pays de liberté doit connaître, quel que fût le régime en place.<br /> Un rassemblement, dans un contexte ethnologique que nous connaissons tous, doit tout de go passer par un programme politique clair et net, en évitant de créer du rêve, dans un monde en pleine mutation, car les camerounais doivent comprendre qu'ils ne sont pas les seuls à souffrir de la conjoncture économique actuelle, et que même, le pire est à venir, et qu'ils doivent être prêts à doubler d'effort pour sortir de la misère.<br /> Pour être candidat, il n'est pas nécessaire d'appeler, publiquement, au secours les grandes puissances occidentales, c'est d'une campagne électorale dont vous parlez d'emblée, et non d'un coup d'état, c'est un peuple qui jugera, vos ambitions sont d'abord personnelles, il est donc tout aussi claire et souhaitable, de ne pas montrer du doigt un futur candidat qui n'en serai peut être pas un, au risque d'axer votre campagne sur la défensive, car alors, face à un autre candidat, vous n'aurez pas d'argumentation, puisque vous vous serez focalisé sur un leurre. Usez avec un peu plus de finesse.<br /> Merci.<br /> Vive la démocratie, la vraie.
Dear Anglophone Cameroonians<br /> I am surprised that Cameroonians have not reacted in whatever manner to the message in this u-tube posting. I have been trying to nurse the idea that everybody has simply dismissed it as complete nonsense not worthy of a comment but it is unlikely that everybody could make that same judgement at once.<br /> <br /> On my part I have a mixed feeling about it. I have not bothered to consider whether or not this Mila Assoute should be taken seriously. But I think we should send alarm bells to such adventurers immediately whether or not he or anybody like him can carry on with their threats. WE ARE NOT GOING TO BE PART OF IT. If they are not careful they have started liberating Southern Cameroons for us. Again the saying that say 'God works in a mysterious way - His Wonders to perform' is very accurate<br /> <br /> My first observation on the issue is this. Whether this person is serious or not, Anglophones in Cameroon should not wait until the last minute to make their position clear as to where they stand in Cameroon in the eventuality of any political violence. Whether this person is capable of carrying his threats through or not is beside the point. We have all seen and commented on the political developments in Cameron today which are leading to one result only - violence. For example one of the greatest puzzles in Cameroon's politics is how much unprepared (or is it a secret?) the regime is for a smooth transition of power. The political setup and machininations are so messed up that it seems anybody who dares mentions transition, even in good faith will be be doing so at very great personal risks. Nobody has thus shown any courage to do so. This unusual cowardice is simply leading to one conclusion - violence in the event of a presidential vacancy.Not only there seems to be no set rules for that, there is total chaos in the way government operates in its normal administrative functions so much so that even if some understandable order of transition was even existing I wonder how effective it is going to be. There can be no better indicators to violence in these situations.<br /> How do Anglophones fit into the equation today? All along we have been treated as second class citizens. I don't think I have to repeat our litany of our grievances here. The point I want to make here is that do we have to participate to fix what they had even refused us to break? What role has Anglophones played to bring Cameroon so low to its knees? No Anglophone has ever been trusted with any important decision making position. It is no secret that even the best intentioned Francophone has never even mentioned the eixistence of an Anglophone problem. How come this guy now even bothers to make his revolutionary statement in English? To woo us, not so?<br /> <br /> I don't have to write much to make my point any clearer. However, whatever has occured since reunification should be considered bygones, but just as the Francophone majority felt comfortable to invite us into the union in 1972 but unfortunately did not blink to an eye when it came to making us second class citizens - and has so far shown no remorse for treating us as such we will not be part of their violence. We Anglophones being in the minority and then having our economic base destroyed they understood that we did not have what it takes to fight back. In good faith we surrendered our souvreignty to French Speaking Cameroon which they have been openly abusing for over a quater of a century today. It was a horrible national tragedy.<br /> But God works in a mysterious way. While sparing no effort to subjugate Anglophones to second class citizenship since 1972, they unfortunately failed to put their own house in order in the process. Thank God, we were denied meaningful participation in the making of the disaster. Do we have any explanation to give niot to be part of what they have been creating so far? None at all.<br /> Our firm decision now is that we will be waiting on sidelines. We had never been invited to the dinner table. We will not accept an invitation to clear up the mess. At least we can object to that. We will not be dragged into getting a solution to a problem we know nothing about. Can they refuse they kept us away from contributing in the unitary government since 1972? But if we did not have what it takes to fight back against descrimination, by default we have more than enough of what it will take not to participate in their impending violence. We have what it takes to say NO to that. .<br /> <br /> So after their violence when Francophone Cameroon reverts to the pre 1972 order and peace that convinced Anglophone Cameroon to join them let them then invite us again for a renegotiation. ONCE BITTEN, TWICE SHY. If such a saying does not exist in French, let them take note of it today.<br /> Have a nice day<br /> FEN
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